
Donate to Nathan’s Hope

Hope is that he will one day be able to hold up his head, control
his muscles, sit unassisted, crawl, walk, and say words.

Nathan’s life is a miracle – his chances for survival and living past 1 year old were 1 in 20 million.

Nathan not only lives – he is full of life and joy. He is a happy child who loves elmo, his family, swimming in the pool, and reading books.

Nathan needs intensive intervention to achieve goals like head control, rolling, sitting, standing, and crawling.

As his parents, we have realized that conventional therapy is just not the adequate approach to helping Nathan, as his progress has been too slow.

With every month that goes by, the gap between Nathan and other children widens, causing greater delays (the brain develops based on input) as well as an increase in the potential for medical complications due to inactivity and fluctuating muscle tone.

Consequently, we have explored various other types of alternative treatments, including homeopathy, patterning, osteopathy, intensive model of therapy, Anat Baniel method, and hyperbaric oxygen therapy.

Unfortunately, we do not receive any assistance in paying for these treatments from our insurance or early intervention programs.

We have seen that these programs have been a phenomenal complement to Nathan’s traditional therapy and we are starting to see more progress! Nathan is now using his hands more effectively, is babbling more sounds, has stronger leg and arm muscles, has improved head control, and has learned the crawling pattern.

Please help us to continue providing these opportunities to Nathan. The costs have become overwhelming and prohibitive, but we feel that these treatments are necessary to improve Nathan’s quality of life, now and in the future.

My request is for a Ripple Effect. If many people help a little bit, it will have a huge impact in Nathan’s life. Every little bit helps!

Please consider becoming a monthly benefactor for Nathan’s Hope. Please consider inviting others to help. Your donations are tax deductible (please contact us for our EIN number).