We had a great day today. We showed up at the Rutgers baby lab early in the morning. We met the team at the baby lab and Nathan was his usual charming self. After a few minutes we went straight into the testing.
Nathan went through several tests – 3 ERP sessions, an eye tracking study, and a couple of other tests to determine different aspects of his cognition. He was super engaged during all of the sessions, and to my untrained eye, seemed to perform really well. I think he was so happy to be presented with challenging tasks that he could perform because they didn’t require motor performance; he was just so happy all day.
After the testing we went to watch Megamind and to eat dessert at Applebee’s. And now for an early night. One more day of testing and NYC is ours!
Marcela, tanto tiempo, acabo de ver varios post atrasados, y te envio mucha luz para que este viaje y toda la evaluación sea lo mas exitosa posible, que sea un viaje provechoso para mi niñito y que tú estes conforme con todos los resultado, Dios los bendiga y acompañe en todo esto. Vi las fotos con Belle y esta muy linda, igualita a su hermano, tú estás linda de nuevo con tu pelo largo y Nathan está muy lindo con su disfraz de peter pan!!!, les envio un gran abrazo y miles de besitos para los niños, cariños