This morning I managed to drag my tired butt downstairs before Owen put Nathan on the bus. I found him wearing pants that were way too short (just under his knees!) and socks that were MINE. Yes, you heard it right, Owen somehow though that those socks were Nathan’s and okay for him to wear – even though there were about 20 sizes too big. I almost passed out laughing. The socks hung over his shoes and the pants dangled just below the knee. It was so comical. Thank God it was the one day I managed to get up before he left for school.
Talking about the mornings…Owen has been such a super star lately. He has “taken over” the mornings with Nathan. He sets his alarm, wakes him up, bathes him, occasionally brushes his teeth, feeds him, packs up his lunch bag (which contains random things like eggs and yogurt(!!) (yes Owen you got caught the teacher told me) as a snack), and puts him on the bus. My tired sleepless pregnant butt and I get to stay in bed until about 9 am when I really can’t justify staying in bed another minute. THANK YOU OWEN! I guess dirty teeth, humongous socks, short pants, and dairy snacks are a small price to pay for the extra sleep 🙂
And talking about school…I got this report from Nathan’s teacher today:
Nathan had a great day. We started with APE on a huge airflow mattress. This was to work on balance and he appeared to be having fun. He then ate his snack and today, he chose his yogurt more than his drink. He ate the yogurt completely. We moved on to circle time.
I had a variety of pink objects (a pink doll, pink pig, pink slinky, pink beads, pink powder puff. His favorite was the pink slinky which he asked for by saying “more” several times. It was on to the stander first for integration into Tanya’s class and then for art time. He and I made a Valentine by putting tissue paper on a sticky surface.
He worked very hard and diligently at pushing and grasping in order to move the papers into position. You will see when we send it home on Thursday.
This kid really really really loves school. He must get that from me 🙂
Que divertido!!!
Ya imagino a Nathan con esa tenida,pero bién por Owen que se ha preocupado a su manera de escoger su ropa y mandarlo a la escuela por las mañanas,que bueno que a Nathan le va bién en su escuela y que disfrute el ir y participar en las actividades.
un abrazo y besos para todos.
I got myself some goose bumps —whoohoo
Mi niñito al estilo “papá”, que divertido, pero está super bien compartir las tareas!!!, y esta comiendo yogurt!!!!, estoy muy contenta de que le vaya muy bien en la escuela y que la adora, estoy feliz por él. Un gran abrazo y besos.