
It’s too late and I’m too tired to be cohesive so here is my late night rant:

* Nathan is much better. He is eating well. Our entire household is engaged in “Operation Fatten Nathan Up”. We make him pancakes almost every day. He’s been eating brownies. We give him food every couple of hours. He was getting WAY too thin. He’s been eating well and hasn’t puked in a few days. Thank God! He is still very congested and having respiratory problems but he’s definitely on the mend.

* Someone gave us a Baby Ktan for Belle and I’ve been using it – and LOVE it! It works better than the ergo as she is so little. The Ktan holds her better and is a nice place for her to nap while I do stuff. She’s developing so well – she is awake most of the time, she’s already doing baby push-ups, cooing a LOT, plays in her gym, crawls on her belly, has nearly perfect head control, smiles and laughs, and rolls from her tummy to her back. This is one delightful little girl! Oh and she’s outgrown all of her newborn clothes and is now wearing 3-6 month clothes!

* I’m getting really excited about our appointment with Anat Baniel coming up in 1 week!

* While in Montreal, Owen, Mary and Nathan went to the ABR center and received training on the new exercises developed by Leonid. Since Nathan was sick all week we didn’t do CME with him, so we used the extra time to do ABR. We’re on a roll! He’s now receiving 2 hours of ABR therapy / day. I can’t wait to see how this affects his structure!

* I had a rolfing massage – it was AMAZING! The theme for this month from my woman’s class was “Body Care”. So I decided to treat myself to a massage with Nathan’s rolfing therapist. The man is truly a gifted healer. He fixed a pain that I’d had in my sacrum since I got pregnant with Belle. It’s gone, completely gone. Absolutely incredible. I will write more about rolfing soon, but I will say – what an INCREDIBLE therapy!


  1. Cathy Jordan says

    Hi Marcela! I just ordered this nasal aspirator…call me crazy. It looks gross but it looks like it works!! Just wanted to pass along the info. I’ll let you know my review! …Cathy

  2. Oooh. . . can’t wait to hear how it goes with Anat Baniel!

  3. OH the insanity of getting your child to fatten up! I have been on that same road. Pea green with jealousyabout the Anat Baniel appt!

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