Hey everyone, HAPPY NEW YEAR’S!!! I hope 2011 brings all of you nothing but joy and happiness.
2010 was a great year at the Andrew household. It brought us amazing accomplishments:
* A new baby!!! A baby girl that all of us love to pieces.
* Nathan learned to walk in his pony gait trainer.
* Nathan got his dynavox with eyemax and can already use pages with 12 icons and has learned many ways of using it, such as playing with cars, turning on the TV, playing guns, and telling us he wants to go to the mall.
* Nathan rode a horse SOLO for the first time!
* Nathan is starting to learn how to sit
* Nathan’s head control increased greatly! He went from having about 20% head control to about 70% control.
* Nathan got a tricycle and loves riding his bike
* We finally established a wonderful, sustainable therapy plan for Nathan, including: ABR, cold laser therapy, reflex integration, feldenkrais, rolfing, medek, and coming 2010 … suit therapy!
* Nathan did 50 hours in an HBOT hard chamber, and his cognition really took off afterwards
* At Rutgers university they proved that Nathan is very “present”, aware and able to learn.
* Nathan’s leaky guy is healing with a supplement protocol from Dr. Blumenthal, and he is not vomiting any more and is finally starting to gain weight.
* Nathan is off ALL prescription meds!
* Another year without ANY hospitalizations
* Belle learned to crawl, sit, has a few words, lots of new vocalizations, pull up to stand, and is working on the walking milestone. She is amazing and so much fun to watch as she learns to experience her world!
* Owen and I became so much closer this year. We have come out the other side and finally got to a point where disability has strengthened us.
* And I..well…I feel this year brought me more acceptance, balance, and stability. I let go of many things this year, and am so excited for what 2011 will bring our little family.
Here are some goals that Owen and I wrote up during dinner tonight:
* M – to lose weight
* O – improve income
* M – work out daily
* O – swim or go to muay thai classes
* M – have more fun and enjoy life more
* O – clean out the garage and attic and get rid of what we don’t need
* M – to be a more nurturing, playful, supportive wife
* O – to get Marcela pregnant
* M – to get married
* O – travel to Australia
* M – pick up a creative hobby
* O – date night every Friday
* M – to meditate every day
* O – take the kids to Disney at least 5 times next eyar
* M – appreciate everything and everyone in our lives
* O – buy a travel trailer
* M – make each kid laugh at least once every day
* M – write a book
And these are the goals we have for the kids:
* Teach Belle to swim on her own
* Maintain a sustainable therapy schedule with Nathan
* Nathan will become fully adept at using his Dynavox with Eye gaze
* We will add new pages to Nathan’s dynavox at least weekly, preferrably every day
* Belle will learn sign language
* Nathan will learn to walk in his pony with AFO’s, thus improving his gait pattern
* Belle will start sleeping through the night!
* Nathan will gain weight and continue to be healthy!
* Nathan’s head control will improve to 100%
* Belle will start a play group / mommy and me class
* Nathan will be able to sit independently
We hope all of your wishes come true in the upcoming year!
Happy New year hun XXX
I love Owen’s goal to travel to Australia!!
We would love to meet your beautiful family!
I do hope we go! I will let you know if we do! And Happy New Year!