I guess the best words to describe our trip are GRATITUDE and HOPE.

Gratitude to have the opportunity to share our lives with the most amazing little person in the world. He was such a joy to be with, every minute of every day for 2 weeks. We couldn’t help but to be happy – his joy is infectious. Gratitude to the wonderful people that hosted us in their homes, drove to meet us in different cities, met with us at crazy times of the night and day in all these different places. We feel so blessed to have such wonderful friends in so many places. We feel grateful to have meet such intelligent, compassionate people willing to give us support and advice in our journey towards giving our son as many opportunities as possible.

We’ve returned with a sense of overflowing hope. We feel that we are gathering more and more tools in our quest to help Nathan gain as many functional skills as possible.

After New York, we went to North Carolina and spent time with our friends the Benners.

We also went to see the Arnold’s and spent some time with them remembering Cayden. They are such a lovely family and we were just so sorry to have met them under such circumstances.

After North Carolina we went to Dallas. We met with our wonderful friends Amber, Brandon, and the rest of the Pollard gang. It was so great to meet them and to share a couple of days and a lot of experiences. We had lots of fun.

We also met up with Tracie’s family, another child that has holoprosencephaly. We really loved meeting with their family and being inspired by them.

We also met briefly with our good friend Heather

After Dallas, we went to Austin just for a day. Sorry, no photos of Austin.

Finally, we went to Portland for our appointment at the Reach Institute. I will make a whole post about that as there is so much to say.

It was a lovely vacation and we had a great time!

We have a ton of photos up, please view them on the PHOTOS page!


  1. We are so glad you could come and visit us in North Carolina! Even though Mike was only here for 1 day we had a great time, and it was nice to spend time talking, and getting to know Nathan. He is precious!

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