About 5 years ago I decided I was tired of fumbling through life on my own, and that I needed help, so I went to a therapist. I loved her from the very first moment. By the time I went to my 2nd appointment I had just found out I was pregnant. It was perfect, to be receiving help during the whole pregnancy and those first impossible months of Nathan’s life.
Looking back, I dont’ think it was coincidence that I ended up looking for help right after he started growing in my body. I’ve come to believe that Nathan came to guide me towards becoming a more patient, accepting, healthy, loving, happy person.
I have been seeing a therapist for the last 5 years and honestly, sometimes therapy has been my lifeline. There have been times when I have been so lost and confused that if it weren’t for the help of my therapist, I wonder how I would’ve found my way.
Realizing that I need help and finding someone that I trust and respect has made such a profound difference in all of our lives. I feel no shame for seeing a therapist. I feel only gratitude that I had the wisdom to seek help.
I need help. I need lots of help. I am grateful to have amazing people in my life that support me and have helped me become the woman that I am today.
Do you have someone that supports you? Do you feel that there is a stigma around therapy?
6 years of tutoring in life 101. I didn’t want to share my issues with my kids. Worth it.
I think we ALL need help at the very LEAST once in our life…it’s a huge step once you recognize that….sometimes you can’t do it on your own.
“Who is wise? He that learns from everyone. Who is powerful? He that governs his passions. Who is rich? He that is content. Who is that? Nobody.”
~Benjamin Franklin
Aprender a ser positiva, a ver el “vaso medio lleno”, en vez de medio vacío. Eso y ver lo esfímera que es la vida, donde lo importante no es lo que se quiere, si no lo que ya tenemos y tenemos la dicha de estar disfrtutando, es una filosofia que AYUDA!.. Son uno de los miles de ejemplos que hay para salir adelante de estos ..
avatares que no son mas que la vida misma. A unos de una forma y a otros de otra. Recuerda, unos buenos amigos para reir, reir y reir, reirte hasta de ti, y rodearte de muchas cosas linda que ya tenemos.. Y si se llama terapeuta, amigo, o
familia, bienvenido todo aquello que nos ayuda!!!. Pero recuerda. TU ERES LA QUE MAS TE PUEDES AYUDAR. Filosfia positiva!.
Kenia ,, un besito