Thank You

Before we leave on our trip I wanted to take a moment to say THANK YOU.

Thank you to all of you who have offered support or even a kind word. To those of you who take time out of your busy lives to check in and see how we’re doing. Thank you to all of you who have or continue to pray for us. Thank you to everyone who sends comments, ideas, suggestions, opinions, questions. We all have our busy lives and it means so much that you take time out of yours to check in on us.

I feel deeply deeply grateful for all of you who read this blog daily, weekly, monthly. It’s hard to explain. Imagine you have this incredible journey ahead of you, through steep mountains, dangerous jungles – blindfolded. It means the world to know there are people around, cheering you on. Some have already walked this journey and can give you advice about what lies ahead, others are walking it with you, others are walking on a completely different path but share common experience of life. Just knowing others are there gives you a sense of support. Sometimes when you fall and you just can’t see how to take another step, someone’s kind voice (or a birthday song), or a virtual hug, or a 1-lined email, can pick you right up and give you the strength you need to go on.

So from the bottom of my heart – THANK YOU.


  1. Este es muy bonito post. Has descrito perfectamente lo que se siente con lo ir al futuro con los ojos vendados por empinadas montañas o junglas. Mucho ánimo que saldrá adelante su hijo. La voluntad mueve las montañas y se les ve con toda esa energía.

  2. Beautifully said, as always. I hope the trip goes well and does much good for Nathan.

  3. Same to you Marcela!
    I feel the same – the e mails i receive from you are so helpful and uplifting and i always read your blog.
    I bought the ergo carrier today!
    Can’t wait to use it at school on Tuesday.
    Good luck on your trip.

  4. Hi Marcela,

    I just wanted to thank you for letting me to join your jorney and for letting me to learn from you.

    Big hugs,
    Gala 🙂

  5. good luck and safe travels

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