Tuesday, November 28th

Yesterday we went to the pediatrician to have Nathan’s stitches out. Both incisions look really good and he is healing great. He is back to his normal cooing, lovable self as if he hadn’t undergone any major surgery.

One great thing that the pediatrician mentioned yesterday is that apparently he DOES have parts of his corpus callosum, which make a big difference for him. She said that most of the time, people with holoprosencephaly don’t have the corpus callosum at all, and by having parts of it makes a big difference. It allows for some communication of what is separated of the left and right lobes. She told us that was very encouraging.

Another good thing about the shunt surgery is that he is starting to hold up his head a little more, which he couldn’t do at all before.

Other than that, he’s doing very well.

Thanks so much to everyone for keeping him in your prayers, and for all of your support. We are very grateful.

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