Why I blog

After I decided to stop blogging, I realized it was a huge mistake.  Not only is this therapeutic for me and a great tool to keep my friends and family informed about our adventures. This blog has also led me to some of the best friendships and some very amazing, incredible people.  I sat down to think about some of the people that have really made a difference in our lives in the past few years, and a large percentage of them we met through this blog, and for that I am so grateful!

Another reason for blogging…some of these aforementioned people have got my number!  I got an email this morning regarding my post yesterday about Nathan’s MRI results.  Another mommy who I totally trust gave me a good reality check.  She said, yes, it may be harder to help a child with HPE improve.  But with consistent hard work the child WILL improve over time.   And this is 100% undeniable and I can only agree with her.

Being hard on myself for past mistakes is a waste of time.  But realizing those mistakes, correcting them, and moving forward differently is the real test of character.

So today I pulled out the old CME exercise book and made the decision to get back to hard consistent work.  I saw many of Nathan’s CME videos and was super motivated to get the ball rolling again with CME.  I think this was the final missing piece of our puzzle.  Once CME is in, I think the puzzle is complete.

Thanks to all of you guys who enrich our lives just by being in it!


  1. remember what i said in canada….Ill be your paul 🙂 i got u.

  2. Cybell says

    “Gracias querido blog por permitirme conocer atravez de ti a esta increible familia”
    (Espero ser una de esas personas especiales que te trajó este blog)
    Y miiiiiil gracias por habernos presentado CME,y gracias por ser mi amiga!!!!
    Un grán abrazo.

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